Any bowel detoxification program should last between 1 - 3 months depending on the severity of the health issue.
Signs you need a body cleanse
1. Gas and bloating after meals or in between meals
2. Undigested food particles in the stool
3. Stool floats in the toilet
4. Stringy materials like spaghetti in the stool
5. Perfectly uniform round ‘things’ in the stool
6. Black flecks in the water of the toilet
7. Diarrhea
8. Constipation
9. Headaches
10. Stomach pain
11. Nausea
12. Vomiting
13. Abdominal cramping
14. Depression
15. Anxiety
16. Can’t lose weight
17. Poor memory
18. Can’t sleep at night
19. Acne
20. Indigestion
21. Stool doesn’t come out quickly
22. Read while having a bowel movement
23. Allergies
24. Food cravings
25. Hemorrhoids
26. Sick with colds or flu frequently
27. Hormonal imbalances
28. Body odor
29. Inability to concentrate mentally
30. Fatigue
31. Sexual dysfunction
32. Pencil thin stools
33. Appendicitis
34. Bowel movements fewer than once every day
35. Less than 2 bowel movements per day
36. Straining at the stool
37. Feels like there’s still stool in the rectum after a bowel movement
38. Stool consistency is not formed (or the consistency of peanut butter)
39. Rectal fistulas 4 0 . R E C T A L B L E E D I N G